Facebook New Features 2018-2019 You Should Know & How To Apply Them

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Facebook New Features 2018-2019 You Should Know & How To Apply Them – News Feed highlights information that includes profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays, among other updates. This has enabled spammers and other users to manipulate these features by creating illegitimate events or posting fake birthdays to attract attention to their profile or cause.

However, most people don’t get away with it and this other Facebook New Features 2018-2019 is probably one of a kind you should really know of so as to keep your FB Account Save.

Facebook is Still One of the most used social media apps and is a principal digital public square in today’s world Irrespective of the issues Facebook may have.

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and others may be your prefer chose when it comes to Social Media but this Facebook New Features 2018-2019 still make the Facebook social network is still an extremely important virtual venue.

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According to Wikipedia List of Facebook features; There are so many things you can do on Facebook.com that you probably don’t know about everything. However, without taking much time here in this post check below to see Five Facebook Features You Probably Never Knew You Have and how you can also locate and use them.

Facebook New Features 2018-2019 You Should Know & How To Apply Them

Below are the Facebook New Features 2018-2019 You Should Know To keep your FB Account Save

1. Download a Copy of All Your Facebooking

Facebook New Features 2018-2019Do you really know you can download everything you’ve ever shared on Facebook like every post, every image, every video, every message, and chat conversation?

This feature was first made available to those who may like to have their info out from facebook account and Permanently Delete their Account On Facebook. But now This feature lets you take a trip down memory lane, And of course, it reveals exactly what Facebook has saved about you.

>>> To Download a Copy of All Your Facebook Activities: Go to Settings > General and click “Download a copy of your Facebook data” at the bottom. Follow the directions from there.

Still on the Facebook New Features 2018-2019, You Should Know To keep your FB Account Save. The second one is Check Who Is Viewing Your Account

2. Check Who Is Viewing Your Account

Facebook SecurityThis New Facebook Feature was to track any for of hackers that what to log in your Facebook account and do so many manipulations. But now the good thing about this Features is that you will immediately know if someone is logged into your Facebook account without your permission regardless who they are (Friends, Family and Loved once)

>>> To Check Who Is Viewing Your Account: First, go to your Settings page. Under the Security and Login folder, you’ll see “Where You’re Logged In.” now you will find out all your active Facebook log-ins from a desktop or mobile devices.

READ NOW: Facebook New Version 2018 for Android – www.facebook.com Download

3. Find All Facebook Photos Liked by…Anyone

facebook searchDo you know you can Try any combo and you will get results based on your relationship status, yourself, and who gave a thumbs up to what images? however, you may even take it more forth by typing in “photos liked by” followed by your friend’s names, or even celebrities, Is easier when you add something like “from 2019” or “this month” or “last week”

>>> To Find All the Photos Liked by…Anyone: Go to Facebook and start typing “photos liked by” in the search box at the top. You’ll see the autocomplete fill in a lot of suggestions including “me,” “my husband,” “my girlfriend,” “my friends,” “Today”, “2018” etc.

4. The Facebook Inbox

facebook messageThis FB Feature has always been available right for the day one Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg. So Registered Member of Facebook Account probably has a folder full of unread messages that you didn’t even know you had.

>>> To review these messages: click the “messages” icon at the top of your home screen. By default, you’ll find yourself in the “Recent” tab of your inbox. Directly to the right, you’ll find the “Message Requests” tab.

After you click this, you may see a link that says “See filtered requests.” Click that and then you’ll see all sorts of messages from people you have no inkling about.

5. Save Posts for Later

This feature is for those users who like to update their page daily. And when you find something more interesting you will love to publish later the Facebook Save Posts for Later then come to play.

>> To Save Posts for Later with Facebook: Visit this link >>> Tow To Schedule Facebook Post

Please Note that you can as well use the comment box below in dropping any of your questions or opinions about this New FB Features you might just be knowing about.

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