How To Create A Yahoo Account In Facebook

Create Yahoo Account For Facebook

Surely you are also among those searching online for How To Create A Yahoo Account In Facebook, 8 Steps to Create Yahoo Email Account With Facebook, or even How to Sign Into Yahoo Account Free and more. But with out taking much of your time here below are what you need to know first.

First thing first, before looking for the easy guide on how to create your Email Account With any social platform, you will have to make sure that is safe for you. but then it is very much possible to create your yahoo Account.

How To Create A Yahoo Account In Facebook

Trust me when I say using your Facebook account to Register your YahooMail Account is really very simple only if you know what I’m about to show you below. Facebook being one of the most popular social media account with over 2.9 billion members even helps to make this keyword (How To Create A Y Mail Account with Account) among the most searched online.

So, in other to proceed with your yahoo email address Registration with Facebook Account, you should know that there are some requirements you have to meet up with of which you can easily check it out below.

Requirement For Yahoo Email Address Registration with Facebook Account

Believe me when I say much is really not required from you at all. For the fact you want to use Mark Zuckerberg’s platform, surely you must have a REAL FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. So understanding that a Account is a necessity and the very FIRST STEP to take before you can quickly check below for other required details as well.

1.  Full Name,
2. New Yahoo Email Idea. Eg,, etc.
3. A Password. Eg, a password is a combinations of words or numbers too that only you will know

SEE THIS: Yahoo Registration to Create Facebook Account Free

I know you might be asking in your mind now, but why password since we are using Facebook to create the account, RIGHT?

Why Can’t I Use Facebook Account To Create Yahoo Mail Address?

First of all, I want you to understand that this is an Email Address and not a social account, also you have to make selections of available Email before you can have access to own an email with

Secondly, it is very much possible to Connect Yahoo Mail To Facebook Account but not Create A Yahoo Account With Facebook.

Lastly, understanding the 1st and 2nd reason will now give you the main reason why you Can’t Use Facebook Account To Create Yahoo Mail Address?

Nevertheless, knowing all this I just explained above, you can now proceed below to learn how you can do this follows:

1. Create New Yahoo Mail Account 
2. Sign Up New Facebook Account (For those that are yet to get one before now)
3. Connect Yahoo Mail To Facebook Account

Without taking much time here again quickly check below to proceed to owning a Yahoo Mail Account plus Facebook Account and connect both.

How To Create New Yahoo Mail Account 

Creating these kind of accounts are very much simple only when you know the right guide to follow of which you can quickly check it out below now.

  1. Visit with your mobile phone or with your system (PC)
  2. Proceed to click on create an account below the sign in form
  3. Fill-in the required info in the sign up form (Full Name, New Email Address, Password, Date of birth)
    NOTE: you can as well choose to create this account with your Gmail address or My mail
  4. Click on continue
  5. You will have to secure your Yahoo Mail Account by entering your “Recovery mobile number”
  6. Then a verification code will we sent to the mobile number you entered.
  7. Finally, proceed to follow up with the requirements that will be needed and your are very much good to go.

Here you go. you just successfully created an email address. so, check below to see how you can as well Register A Facebook Account for Free.

How To Sign Up New Facebook Account

This is even more easier than creating any Mailing service account. To do this here is what you need to do.

  1. visit with your mobile phone or with your system (PC)
  2. Proceed to click on create an account below the sign in form
  3. Fill-in the required info in the sign up form (Full Name, Mobile number or your email address, Password, Date of birth, Gender)
    NOTE: I advice you to create this account using an email address and not mobile phone number because of security reason.
  4. Finally, click on “Sign up” and follow the required final procedure and you are good to go.

So, that is it. Now we have our mail account and also account of which is very good.

DON’T MISS >> How To Login Account Fast

Check below to see how you can now link the both account if you are still very much interested in doing just that.

5 Steps To Connect Yahoo Mail To Facebook

STEP 1. Visit

STEP 2. If you are not signed in automatically then proceed to sign in with your login details

STEP 3. Click the Settings gear which you can easily find in the top right corner of your Yahoo inbox.

STEP 4. Click settings >> Click Account >> Click “Connect” next to Facebook.
NOTE: Make sure to also sign in to your Facebook account in the same browser that you are doing this with

STEP 5. Now, Click Continue as Your Name >> Finally Click the “OK” Blue button to successfully connect

So that is just how you can easily see How To Create a Yahoo Account In Facebook or rather How to Connect Yahoo Mail to Facebook

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