How To Optimize LinkedIn Account | LinkedIn Optimization Tips

How To Optimize LinkedIn Account | LinkedIn Optimization Tips

The evidence of over 700million people on the App goes as far to proof that LinkedIn Optimization is the new currency to spend if you want to position yourself as a professional personnel not just Locally, but also Globally.

I know you might probably be saying to yourself “what is all this noise about LinkedIn; that App seems too overrated to me“, but how about you take a minute to ask yourself, if it is so overrated, how come millions of people are benefitting largely from Optimizing their profile on the App?

Have you noticed that Top companies, brands and business invest a lot of time and resource in building their brands to become better and in return get more consumers/customers. Like these companies and brands, there’s so much that we can be doing to position ourselves for better and bigger Opportunities; one of such ways is through an Optimized LinkedIn account.

But here’s the shocking part, we pay little or no attention to building our own Personal brand. Having an Optimized LinkedIn account is one of the fastest and easiest way to build a Personal brand.

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Building a personal brand is projecting the best version of yourself to create a long lasting impression.

In Simple terms, an Optimized LinkedIn account is one that has been positioned to stand out and in return is attracting more visibility to the individuals skills, experiences and expertise through the effective use of the Optimization tools and services that have been provided on the App.

In this Article, I would be exposing you to the various benefits attached to having an Optimized account, as well as a detailed process on how you can achieve one.

Benefits Of Optimizing Your LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn has proven to be the number one social media platform that can make a huge difference in your professional journey. Whether you’re looking to recruit workers, to get a job, etc LinkedIn is that platform that offers numerous benefits.

Below are some of the benefits in no particular order;

  1. Employers with great opportunities will be able find you faster.
  2. It offers increase in the number of people you can reach Per day.
  3. It creates more visibility for your business and for your personal brand.
  4. As a Recruiter, it makes the process of recruiting professionals more easy and reliable.
  5. It offers the opportunity to grow your network and connections beyond physical location.

How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Account – LinkedIn Optimization

As a professional, the need to have an Optimized LinkedIn account cannot be overemphasized, here are guides on how you can Optimize your LinkedIn account;

  • The very first step is to have an optimized profile and how do you do this?
  • Use the best of your picture as your profile picture. Your picture is the first thing people see, this is what represents your outward appearance on the app.
  • Add a background photo to grab people’s attention. Your background photo is also a core part of your visual representation; it can include some of your core skills and interests.
  • Specifically show what you do or what you can do for people on your LinkedIn profile headline as detailed as you can. It doesn’t just have to be your job title written there.
  • Take advantage of your profile summary and use it to highlight your strengths, experiences, abilities. In one word, portray the perfect overview of yourself , what you do, what you represent, what have you done using the art of storytelling.
  • Start posting relevant and relatable contents to grow your Network. Find the kind of contents that works for you and your audience, start posting them regularly to boost your visibility.
  • Request for recommendations from those you’ve worked with, friends, etc to further boost your credibility on the app.
  • Get your connections engaged and updated on your learning process. Share stories on your journey to some projects, trainings, or courses that you are on.
  • Follow and connect with relevant people in your industry or with similar interests.
  • Very powerful yet underrated is commenting on people/connection posts. Share your ideas but also celebrate people’s ideas by commenting on posts or stories from their feed.

Compared to the effective use of other apps, LinkedIn Optimization has proven to be more authentic and results-evident. Interestingly, it doesn’t discriminate boundaries. An Optimized profile gives you an advantage over one that is not and this why you should hurry and get on this boat for more visibility.

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