How to Use Nairabet Mobile Version as Computer Version – It is clearly understand that most of you out their do really know how to make money through Betting but do to not knowing how to go about it they just let it go.
In this article we will be showing you how to use your mobile phone as PC Version in other to place your bet On NairaBet.
How to Use Nairabet Mobile Version as Computer Version
Nairabet normally displays the same with the mobile version when you use mobile browsers like google chrome, opera mini, uc web, firefox, dolfin browser on both java phone, android, symbian, blackberry, iphone etc.
• Go to official Nairabet website with the browser on your mobile phone. Note that the mobile version will still displayed.
• Once is opens, you will see something like this in the url
• Then Change the to Please note that you MOST use the capital leter M and O and load.
• After that, it forces the full nairabet website to display instead of the mobile version.
That is its
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