Introducing Facebook 3D Avatars: Facebook (Meta) New 3D Avatar Update

Introducing Facebook 3D Avatars: Facebook (Meta) New 3D Avatar Update

It is no longer news that the giant social network is rolling out 3D Avatars across Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. In this article, you’ll know about the 3D avatars and the sole aim of the social network to spice up the fun already on the platform.

Facebook Avatar is getting better by the day and to even make it more interesting, you can now show up your cartoon self in 3D form. I.e having the same attribute as yourself in an upgraded version. Thereby making it so real.

Are you good at creating? Then there is even better space for you via the FB 3D creation platform where you get to make your cartoon version more interestingly and professionally.

READ THIS: Facebook Avatar Birthday Sticker – Facebook Avatar For Birthday Wishes

Facebook 3D Avatars

Using this feature, you’ll be able to show up as your avatar in your Facebook profile picture, and in comments, stickers, stories, and more just like the first rolled out Facebook Avatars.

Also, this will make it the first time any of the FB Avatars have been available on Instagram. Yes, you read well, you’ll be able to use the 3D avatar feature on your Instagram account.

With this, people now have more ways to express themselves as their avatars, Facebook (Meta) is also adding new facial shapes and assistive devices for people with disabilities.

Who Can Use Facebook 3D Avatar?

The people in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, along with countries where Facebook Avatar has already started rolling out can use the new 3D Avatar.

Also, being a requirement, you’ll have to update your Facebook mobile app from your mobile store and make sure your FB account is in good standing.

Facebook (Meta) 3D Avatar To Instagram, VR

3D Avatar

Well, if you previously created an avatar on Facebook in the past, you should get ready to see a new side of yourself. Your avatar will automatically enter the third dimension as part of this update.

There are lots of options now than there were before, you’ll have the chance to jump into the editor and make some changes.

If you want to represent yourself differently on different platforms, so right now you can create three different avatars if you choose, one for Facebook and Messenger, another for Instagram, and a third for VR. And if you’ve set up Accounts Center and chosen to sync your avatar, any changes you make to your avatar on Facebook and Messenger will automatically appear on Instagram as well, and vice versa.

Video Guide >> How To Create Facebook Avatar

I hope you’ll seize this opportunity to showcase your creative hands in making your 3D avatar version. Let us know what you think about this new development on the Facebook 3D Avatars by using the comment box below.

Also, share this article on your social media accounts so that others can know about it.

  1. Hate the new Avatar!! Want my old one back that I loved. Also think it was not right to change them without our knowledge or permission. These are extremely ugly and unflattering and there is no way to edit them so they look good. Thumbs down 😡👎🏻

  2. The new Avatar was really bad! Because I could not easily edit it, I deleted the avatar and hopefully when you all get your crap together maybe I will add it back. Facebook is really a junk application now, the community standards police are out of control, and NO ONE checks into the reviews request. I had a funeral notice removed because they said it went against community standards. Since when do funeral notice offend someone or are restricted ?

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