Have you ever wished you can record Phone Call conversation on your Phone? Yes you can, we are going to tutor you on how you can record that conversations that you have on your Android, and also Simple smart voice Recorder app that has an ability to Record all your phone calls, delete recorded Items And lots more!
Be it an important information that you had conversation on, You can record it for future References. Recording a conversation could be very helpful in terms of one going back to the recorded conversation for any knowledge of what has been discussed about.
To Install Smart Voice Recorder app
- Go to Google Play store on your Android device.
- In the search bar, type “Smart Voice Recorder”
- Categories of recorders comes out, Select Smart voice Recorder.
- It opens, Then click install And installation process begins
After It has been installed, Then Checkout how to record call conversation using the smart voice recorder app below;
How to Record Phone Call conversation On Android Using Smart voice Recorder App
Here are the steps to record call conversation;
- Make a call or answer an incoming phone call.
- Once it is connected, Switch your phone to speakerphone or hands-free mode by tapping the speaker icon.
- Press the home button to arrive at the home-screen without cancelling your call.
- Open the Smart Voice Recorder app.
- Tap the big red button to begin recording. Note the color waveforms on the display, which shows it was successful.
- When the call is over, tap the square button that says Finish in the Smart Voice Recorder app, and name the file if it prompts you to do so.
- You can access the recorded file in the Recordings section of the app. Tap and hold on a recording to interact with it.
That all to recording a phone call, you can contact us for any troubleshooting and we will attend to you as soon as possible.
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