How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook account

How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook acccount

Your Facebook account is suppose to be a personal account, But due to some certain situation it was hacked or compromised. You need not to worry as we will be tutoring you on how to Recover Hacked Facebook Account which will be in a simple and easy step for you to understand.

If your Facebook account was hacked by someone and you really want it back this tutorial would help you get it back.

How to Recover Hacked Facebook AccountHow to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook acccount

Follow this steps below to get your Facebook account back:

  • Go to this link. Click the button “Your account has been Compromised“. Then type in your email address, Login name , Full Name or your specified Phone Number. (Then facebook would search for matching users. If you still don’t see your account, try entering something else other than the one you entered). Most of the time using your email would be the best choice. Then Click Search.How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook account
  • Now you got to enter your account’s password. Well if you knew the password you won’t be here anyway, cause you don’t know your new password the Hacker’s changed, enter your old password. The password that you use, to enter into your account before you got HACKED.How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook account
  • Now because you entered an old password, wrong password page will come up. Well no need to be down yet. Just click the reset my password button.How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook account
  • Your primary email would be changed, well of course you don’t want to send your reset your password link to the hacker’s account so, Click “no longer have access to these?” linkHow to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook account
  • Now write your new email address that you want to send the change password link and as well set as your primary email.How to Recover Hacked Facebook Account | Get back Facebook account
  • Follow the next steps and you would have your account back in 24 hours.

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